The Rings of Power: Our In- depth Analysis Of Episode Three “Adar”
Hello everyone, free peoples of Middle-earth. With today's article we resume with the analysis of the episodes of the show, trying to deepen as much as possible all the aspects of each scenario. Before starting, it is important to point out that episode three, "Adar", presents...
Elvenhome the Green and Fair: “A Shadow of the Past”
"But if of ships I now should sing, what ship would come to me, What ship would bear me ever back across so wide a Sea?" ―Galadriel's "Song of Eldamar", "Farewell to Lórien", The Fellowship of the Ring As I promised last week, this is my analysis of...
The Rings of Power Spoiler Review
The first 2 episodes of The Rings of Power have been released during public screenings and premiere's over the last weeks and has captivated audiences with its grand scale which shines on the big screen especially when we see the many kingdoms of Middle-earth for...
On the Threshold of The Rings of Power
"Wind is changing!" ―Ghân-buri-Ghân, The Return of the King The Story of a Tolkien Fan It seems difficult to believe, but after years of uncertainty and doubt, we are finally on the threshold of a new era in Tolkien adaptations. For me this story began long ago, with...
FoF x Watch Party LOTR | Rings of Power After Party Announcement ?ANNOUNCEMENT? We have big plans for our coverage of #RingsOfPower. We're all about creating fellowship here, so we partnered with the Watch Party Network ( to produce events that celebrate the entire Tolkien community. Read on to find out how you can participate! ⬇️ The weekly fun...