The Rings of Power Episode 8 Review & Breakdown/ Easter Eggs!
As we reach the finale of The Rings of Power Season 2, it's clear the show has been building toward some epic moments, and this episode doesn't disappoint. The battle sequences are visually stunning, with intense action that brings Middle-earth's conflicts to life. There are...
The Rings Of Power Episode 7 Review & Breakdown
Boy, episode 7 was a lot to take in! From an epic battle, impressive visuals and a moment to light the barrel of controversy, episode 7 has it all- the good, the bad and the potential ugly. Though there isn't really a 'bad' per say...
The Rings Of Power Episode 6 Review & Breakdown
The Rings of Power heads to battle with Episode 6 "Where is He?" preparing viewers for an enticing and dramatic battle which will unfold over the next few episodes. With glimpses into Númenor, Khazad-dûm and Rhûn as well, episode 6 takes us all over Middle-earth...
The Rings Of Power Episode 5 Review & Breakdown
Episode 5 of The Rings Of Power Season 2 has dropped and there is a lot to discuss as Annatar & Celebrimbor take centre stage in a ring forging focused episode of television. First let's start off with the breakdown and easter eggs and then...
The Rings Of Power Episode 4 Review & Breakdown
The 4th chapter of season 2 titled 'Eldest' gave viewers the complete Middle- earth experience from Ents, Barrow- wights and even Tom Bombadil… but did this all work? Well let’s discuss. Let's Go Through the Mines The episode starts with Galadriel and Elrond arguing about which path...