Easter Eggs & Breakdown of the Rings of Power Season 2 Premiere (Ep 1-3)
The Rings of Power Season 2 has finally arrived and if you want to check out our review and discussion of the first 3- episodes then check that out here. Otherwise here is the breakdown and easter egg hunt of the first 3- episodes, especially...
The Rings of Power Season 2: Episode 1-3 Spoiler Review
The Rings of Power Season 2 has finally arrived, and the first three episodes have brought us back to Middle-earth in a darker yet familiar way. Improving on Season 1, this season moves away from extensive world-building and dives straight into the action, with even...
The Rings Of Power Season 2 Ep 1, 2 & 3 Review (Spoiler-Free)
The Rings of Power Season 2 has finally arrived, and the first three episodes have brought us back to Middle-earth in a darker yet familiar way. Improving on Season 1, this season moves away from extensive world-building and dives straight into the action, with even...
The Roads Less Traveled in Arda
Within Tolkien’s Legendarium, we are introduced to a plethora of different locations—most of which we know a great deal about. But there are some places within the world of Arda that Tolkien leaves rather obscure, in the hope that we fill in the blanks with...
Why the presence of Barrow-wights could make sense in the Second Age
The well-known British magazine Empire Magazine has in recent days released a lengthy roundup of content related to Season 2 of Rings of Power, and among the many images shown it is impossible not to notice the presence of Barrow-wights. Obviously, the sight of these...