Gavi Singh Chera Sauron Form Art and Community Creations
Alongside this reveal we reached out again to many talented artists to have the first attempt to have a take on the Gavi Singh Chera 'Original Form Sauron' directed by some internal guidance and suggestions provided to make it as similar to the show version...
New Sauron scoops for The Rings of Power Season 2
Mae Govannen, Mellyn After just one week we're back with the scoops about The Rings of Power Season 2, and the protagonist, after some time, is once again him: the Dark Lord Sauron. Without wasting any more time, lets dive into the latest news. New Sauron Human...
Rings of Power Season 3 Is In Pre-Production
Hey everyone! Exciting developments are unfolding as we eagerly await the arrival of season two of "The Rings of Power". Twitter user @Canby_11 has shared a screenshot from Production Weekly, a reputable source for entertainment production. In the August 10th issue, we see "the Lord of...
The WGA and AMPTP Have Reached to an Agreement
Hey everyone! Big news today, The Writers Guild of America (WGA) and Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP) has reached to an agreement on a new three-year contract. The WGA had started a strike amid the unfair use of actors’ likeness to be...