The Rings of Power Dialect Coach and a War of the Rohirrim Original Name
Dialect Coach Leith McPherson Marketing for Amazon Studios' The Rings of Power series finally seems to be picking up, but many mysteries remain. One long-standing mystery has been the identity of the linguist or linguists Amazon has been consulting for the show. As this is a...
“The War of the Rohirrim” finds its voice
With all of the buzz constantly surrounding the “Rings of Power,” it’s easy to forget that we’ve got more than just live-action streaming Middle-earth content coming our way in the near future. Even as this is written, Warner Brothers and Sola Entertainment are (I would assume...
Dueling Canons
In The Return of the King, as the combined armies of Gondor and Rohan stand before the Black Gate, greatly outnumbered and completely encircled, the vast forces of Mordor closing in, Aragorn, Isildur's heir, speaks these stirring words: Hold your ground! Hold your ground! Sons of...
Translation Conventions in Tolkien and Tolkien Adaptations
The past is a foreign country. —L. P. Hartley My corollary to this rather well-known quote is: "The past is a foreign language," and I like it well enough that sometimes I forget it was not the original quote. When watching films and television shows set in...