The Rings Of Power Episode 4 Review & Breakdown
The 4th chapter of season 2 titled 'Eldest' gave viewers the complete Middle- earth experience from Ents, Barrow- wights and even Tom Bombadil… but did this all work? Well let’s discuss. Let's Go Through the Mines The episode starts with Galadriel and Elrond arguing about which path...
The Trolls of Middle-earth
Recently, we got our first look at a Hill-troll named Damrod in promotional material for season 2 of The Rings of Power. This rather awesome news got me thinking: Just how many types of Trolls are there in Middle-earth? There have to be quite a...
Revisiting a Rings of Power fan theory: could Adar really be Maglor?
Since we are in the run-up to season 2 of Rings of Power, I thought it would be fun to look back a pre-season 1 fan theory about who Adar is, and what Tolkien wrote that can inform this. Fair warning: this article will contain...
Does Tom Bombadil’s presence in The Rings of Power make sense?
Yesterday Amazon officially announced, via the well-known Vanity Fair magazine, the presence of Tom Bombadil in ‘The Rings of Power’, which will see the debut of its second season at the end of August. This news had already been anticipated by some leaks, but many...