What is Philology? – Part I: Traditional Philology
Most fans of J.R.R. Tolkien’s works are probably aware that Tolkien was a professor. Many of them have likely also heard that he was a philologist—a self-described philologist, even—and that philology was a major influence in the development of Tolkien’s legendarium. But what is a...
A War of the Rohirrim Onomasticon
“Out of these languages are made nearly all the names that appear in my legends. This gives a certain character (a cohesion, a consistency of linguistic style, and an illusion of historicity) to the nomenclature, or so I believe, that is markedly lacking in other...
Rings of Power Showrunners Talk Season Three’s Opening Scene
A couple of days ago, a Q&A involving The Rings of Power showrunners, J.D. Payne and Patrick McKay, was conducted, and there were some fascinating revelations to come out of it. Among those revelations was the possibility of another flashback scene being the opening to...
Thank you, Charles Edwards
It was hard to imagine, at least until two years ago, that we would one day see Celebrimbor, lord of Eregion and highest among the elven craftsmen after Feanor's death, on a television screen. The Rings of Power gave us a chance to watch this...